I personally do not think of coding standards in a minute way, I think that it is important to have a guideline for others to look towards as a standard in format. Afterall, isn’t easily readable code one of the most important aspects of work collaboration and open source projects?
I usually side with the creative and non-conformity side of things but conforming to coding standards are one thing that can make it so it will be easier for users to learn from others coding examples. Because the code following the coding standards will reach more users because of its readability, it will also promote innovation of that project through others collaboration. I feel that coding standards help me learn programming languages because when you learn how to format code to the coding standard you have to have a solid understanding of the syntax of the language as a foundation first. Therefore, learning a coding standard of a language can be linked directly to learning a programming language as well.
After the first week of using ESLint with IntelliJ, I am enjoying the experience so far (besides some minor setup issues within IntelliJ itself). I feel that ESLint makes it so my code is easier to read in terms of spacing and also readability. One example I like is that if you declare a variable and initialize with ‘let’ but do not change the value later, it gives you an error that you should use const instead. This little step could give an outsider looking in a better idea of what is going on within your program. So far, the green check mark has been good to me for one of my strengths are writing my code withing coding standards. Therefore, this is one of the only times that I would say that conformity is a good thing, so everybody let’s get on the coding standard bandwagon, all the cool kids are doing it!